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Join our packraft tours along Akerselva’s vibrant waterway, perfect for all ages and skill levels, offering a stable and scenic outdoor adventure right in the heart of Oslo.

Mad Goats now offers packraft tours on Akerselva in Oslo. Our packraft tour is on the same stretch as our famous kayak tour, starting at Nedre Foss Gård beside Vulkan / Mathallen in central Oslo. When you arrive, we teach you the basics about packrafting before we jump on the river and float through central Oslo. Our Packraft Tours on Akerselva are suitable for most ages and fitness levels and offers a comfortable and stable way to explore Oslos most famous waterways. Packrafts are very stable watercraft making them a great option for first time paddlers. Mad Goats also offers the packraft våttkort courses at our base in Sjoa, so if you really love your packrafting experience on the Akerselva in Oslo with us then you are welcome to come visit us in Sjoa for a packrafting adventure on more exciting whitewater rivers!

Gain certified kayaking skills with our beginner-friendly våttkort courses in the heart of Oslo.

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