Five reasons to get your våttkort kayaking licence in Norway

Here are the five reasons why you should get your våttkort kayak licence – especially if you are living in Norway, or want to kayak when visiting Norway.

What is a våttkkort course?

The våttkort is a kayaking certificate that shows you have at least passed a basic kayaking course of up to 3hrs. This basic course is called the “Introkurs Hav”, which translates to “Introduction course in sea kayaking”.

What will you learn on our våttkort kayak course?

During the våttkort course you will learn all the basics. This will include paddle strokes, safety protocols, kayaking equipment, and performing rescues. Learning the rescue will entail you rescuing one another. You will get wet, hence the name “våttkort”, which is translates to “wet card”! If you are on a Mad Goat course, you will also be given the opportunity to try the self-rescue. If you have a Mad Goats instructor they will show you the kayak roll – we recommend your take the 2-day Grunnkurs if you want to actually learn this techniques.  Once you get your våttkort, the Oslo Fjord islands are yours to explore on a hot sunny day or in the middle of winter. You can now take your friends out kayaking, as only one person in the group needs their våttkort when renting from us! 

Collage of people learning how to kayaking in Oslo Norway

Five reasons why you should get your våttkort licence


Once you get your våttkort licence you can rent kayaks from rental providers all around Norway!  


If you live in Oslo, once you get your våttkort licence you have just have unlocked the wonderful Oslo Fjord. You can now spend summers exploring the beautiful islands around Oslo with friends and family. 


The våttkort introkurs is just the start. Once you have completed this first step you can now level up and attend the higher level courses such Grunnkurs Hav and Teknikkurs Hav – there is no limit to how good you can get! More about the våttkort levels here.


You can show it off to all your friends! Once completed the våttkort courses, you will be awarded a card with your name and even a sticker – yes, back to the happy days of kindergarten! 


Once you have completed your våttkort sea kayaking course, you might have a nagging feeling that something is missing in your life…yes, that thing is whitewater kayaking! Lucky for you, there are also våttkort courses for river kayaking in Norway too (elvepadling). We at Mad Goats run both the våttkort Introkurs elv and Grunnkurs elv up at our kayak base in Sjoa, Heidal – come up for visit you will never forget! 

Check out this playlist to watch all of the hard skills you will learn during our NPF våttkort courses.

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